July 18, 2012

The First.

"Hey, waz up?  Not much here.  Just chillin.  Thought I'd be totally original and create a blog.  PSYCHE! j/k.  LYLAS."

LOL, totes joking.  Who talks like that, anyways?  Oh that's right, WE did.  OMG!  We were cray-cray-lame back then.  Luckily we're super a-MAH-zing and eloquent and shit now, with the maturity and hindsight to appreciate our pre-teen dialogue.  Fo Sho!!!! 

I created this blog to showcase my outrageous collection of old letters.  My hope is that one day my children will read this and understand where I come from - a time before cell phones, before texting, before Facebook.  A time where if someone wanted to talk shit, they had to write a note and pass it along instead of creating a blog or posting on twitter.  OOOOORRRRR... I just wanted to embarrass the shit out of some old friends.  In any event, this should be a hoot. 

"What happens when you run out of notes?".  Excellent question, me.  Assuming I don't get bored and quit this after a week, I'm hoping to eventually have people submit their own.  What's the point of saving these gems if we can't share them?  I'm going to try and be tasteful with this, and I won't post anything hateful.  Unless it's about me, because self-deprecating humor is always awesome. Enjoy!

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