September 19, 2012

The Holocaust Was SO Sad

Lance:  Nicole or Kristan S. wannabe (j/j) – Hey!  This movie sucks.  I am going to ask out Lori I think.  What color contacts should I get?  Love ya, Lance
Nicole:  Get either blue or purple.  Are you only getting one pair of contacts?  If you get two pairs, get blue and purple.  Ask out Lori.  This movie is sad.  When I hear about the holocaust, I just want to cry.  It’s so sad.  I guess that’s all I have to say.  Love, Nicole
Lance:  I am so confused on what to do.  I like them both, Lindsey and Lori!  I am getting those disposable contacts.  That way I won’t have to worry about them.  I can leave them in 24/7 then take them out and put another pair in.  I might get blue, purple and hazel.
Nicole:  I don’t have a lot to say.  I feel like crying.  This movie is sad.  Think about who you like more and who you would be more happy with.

I think he ended up asking Lori out, but I don’t remember much about all that.  Just that Lori and Lindsey were best friends and here was Lance, doing the typical guy thing by trying to get between them.  Stupid boys.  And yes 8th grade Nicole, the holocaust WAS very sad.  I think we were watching Schindler’s List.  A very sad movie indeed, but it felt like a Disney film compared to the documentary Shoah.   If you’re into the whole “suicidal-guilt-over-transgressions-of-the-past” thing, I highly recommend it.

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