October 26, 2012


Alecia:   Nicole, wuz up chick?  Or down.  Or all around?  Nothing much here.  Just that I'm sitting here in Mrs. Pritchard's BORING class.  She's such a dork.  So whatcha doing this Friday?  I want to go up to the courts to see you know who!  (Matt).  I really hope he's up there.  Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Vroom, Vroom  Remember that?  Natalie said that we were going over (Me, You, Audrey, Nat) to your house some day in Feb.  Are you going to Cotillion?  I'm not!  Gotta go!
PS - I love Matt

1.  I have no idea what the "Ding, ding, ding, vroom, vroom" shit is.  Sounds hilarious, though.  Not.
2.  Oh my gosh, I totally remember going up to the Grapevine rec center courts to watch all the cute boys play basketball.  Sometimes I'd try to jump in all "Love and Basketball" and flirt with them.  Never worked.  Probably because I sucked at basketball.
3.  Cotillion?!  Wasn't that just for rich kids and people whose parents were trying to force a social life on them?  Do they even have cotillion anymore?!
4.  Mrs. Pritchard was a total moron-to-the-max.  She used to think Natalie and I were twin sisters.  We got the sister thing a lot.  Still do, actually.  But TWINS?  Dumb ass.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh I wanted to go to Cotillion sooooo bad!!!! All the cool (cough,rich) kids in my school were going and they all talked about it constantly and all the boys only liked the girls in Cotillion. Elitist jerks!! My Mom was lame (cough,poor) and taught me to dance in our living room. Maybe if I'd gone to Cotillion then Chris wouldn't tell me I'm a horrible dancer... or maybe that is just because I have no rhythm...the world may never know :-)
