August 12, 2012

Dork and a Half

TRANSCRIPT: Julie:  Nicole, Hey what's up?  Nothing here.  Just sitting in Mrs. Pritchard's.  We are trying to get Tom to spell quadral.  What a dork and a half.  NEWAYS - Maybe we can do something if you're not going to be with Nat.  So I'm ready for summer.  How about you?  I'm so sick of school and athletics I could scream.  How's life (just kidding).  Well I guess I'll let you go now because I can't think of what to say. Write me back ASAP.
Well, Bye Bye.  - Julie

Seriously, how did any of us get to High School? We had the collective spelling and grammar abilities of a 5 year old.  Funny how she complains about trying to get some dork-and-a-half to spell "quadral", which is a pretty advanced word for a 7th grader, and then continues to misspell every other word in the letter.  I'm not hating.  In fact I was notorious for confusing "board" with "bored", and I still have to use google to make sure I'm spelling "maybe" right.  But holy crappoli, at least do a once over before folding up the paper and passing it on.  It's not an iphone, so there's no excuse.

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