August 14, 2012


Alecia:  Nicole, What’s up?  Nothin’ here.  So, how’s your love life?  Mine sucks.  Do you like having classes w/out me?  Just/kid.  How was pre UIL?  Was it hard to sight read?  At least we get to go to the mall.  I don’t see how we are going to try on clothes at the mall, we will look like nerds.  Don’t ya agree?  Well, good luck at UIL!!!!!  Bye Bye! 
B/F/F/E,  Alecia. 

Ugh, sight reading.  I don’t remember much about the actual UIL competition, but I do know I sucked balls at sight reading.  Choir was so stupid, and I couldn’t STAND Ms. Hill!  If our crew had a burn book, she would totally be in it.  And I hate to break it to you Alecia, but we already looked like nerds.  It was sort of our thing.  Don’t ya agree?
PS, how awesome was it to draw that “S” and spell “Smile”?!  It was like our own personal coolness gauge.  The cooler your “S” looked, the cooler you were.  And nobody wants to be the least-cool nerd of the herd.

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